HealthEvent – Pharmatex 2008

PHARMATEX is Ireland’s largest pharmaceutical industry conference and exhibition. Although still in its second year, the trade event serves as a multi-disciplined event offering insights into the future of business and technology of both the pharmaceutical as well as the bio-pharmaceutical industry.

Ireland being a knowledge-based economy is slated to remain a major contributor to the Pharmaceutical and (bio) pharmaceutical sectors which thrive on education innovation and technology transfer.

To take a stock of Ireland’s leadership position. Consider the following facts:

* At present 13 of the top 15 companies in the world have significant operations in Ireland.
* There are 83 facilities in Ireland that employ over 17,000 people.
* 12 out of 25 of the world’s top selling drugs are manufactured in Ireland.

The Exhibition

The companies present at the exhibition include those supplying technologies, services or equipment to both pipeline and existing manufacturing facilities. The event is a perfect venue to meet with new and existing customers. If you’re interested in building or expanding your Irish and European customer base then this is the event to make it happen.

The Conference

The conference is an informative and and insightful event delving into and contemplating about the future of innovation, technology and corporate strategy of the bio-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industries. For this it banks upon the opinions and experiences of international as well as local business leaders and advisors to chart a decade’s road-map.

The profile of the attendees during the previous year’s show has included international leaders, directors and managers from Ireland based facilities including engineering consultancies, government representatives, representatives from top-notch academic institutions, in addition to representatives from supplier and industry support base. To learn more about the health care trade event, kindly visit my blog “Smiling Health.”

Health Is Wealth, So Take Care of Yours

Health is what can be defined as the general condition of a human being concerning all aspects of his life. In general good health is acquired by means of a combination of physical, mental and the social comforts and securities. You have to realize that maintaining good health is a never ending process and you have to constantly be on the lookout for ways and means to stay healthy.

Hygiene is one of the main factors that constitute to good health. Keeping yourself clean and tidy which involves brushing, bathing, washing hands especially before a meal etc. The list is endless and all these contribute to your well being and health. If hygiene is a factor that helps improve health, stress can affect your health adversely. Stress management is imperative to remain in good health. If you are in a job that often has you completely stressed out, then give some relaxation techniques a try. They can help to relieve stress.

Health care can be described as the treatment and the management of the various illnesses both physical and mental that you may contract through the years. Today more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that health and fitness are of prime importance in life. This improves the health and fitness industry that come out with various types of fitness equipment that promise to keep you healthy and fit.

To live a healthy life you may have to make some changes in your lifestyle by consuming a nutritious diet, drinking more water everyday, increasing your intake of foods that can give you more roughage, putting a brake on the fried and processed food intake and incorporating a regular exercise regime like going for a walk daily. Remember you are not required to carry out any hectic work-outs. It is just to ensure that all parts of your body remain supple. This is especially necessary as you grow older and various aches and pains start getting you down.

Health is such a significant matter that you simply cannot let things just be. You have to make a deliberate attempt to be healthy and remain so.

Fitness Tips

It is almost the end of the year. If one of your new year’s resolutions is physical fitness, I have a few tips that can help.

1) Focus on positive thinking. When you can keep up with your physical fitness plan, you should congratulate yourself every time. It is not easy to keep up with fitness plan. You really need to have a strong will. Be proud of yourself.

2) When you fall back from your fitness schedule, you should not berate yourself. Some people are too hard on themselves, and they never start over again. Your physical fitness New Year’s resolutions are the promise to yourself. They are not the test of your willpower.

3) You should stay away from unhealthy temptation as much as possible. If you are on the diet, you do not want to keep a huge bucket of ice cream in your refrigerator. It can only make your life harder.

4) Be realistic. Some people expect to achieve physical fitness over night. They make fitness plans that are impossible to keep. Realistic physical fitness plan must fit into your lifestyle. You must ask yourself, “Can I really go out for a run every evening?” If the answer is “No”, you may want to rethink your new year’s resolutions. If you know that you can not do them every evening, you may be able to do them twice a week.

5) Try to keep your resolutions with a friend. You can help encourage each other. A good friend will make your fitness resolutions fun.

The Tips for Flu Prevention

The Tips for Flu Prevention

1. Get vaccinated.
The best way to prevent oneself from contracting the flu is to get a shot. It will not give the person the flu. It will likely keep the person from getting it. If they do; however, it will be a more mild case than if they had not gotten vaccinated.

2. Wash hands frequently.
For those who come in contact with surfaces in public places, particularly those with high traffic, frequent hand washing will help reduce the risks of contracting the illness. Use warm, soapy water and wash hands vigorously for a minimum of 20 seconds. Rinse well and use a clean towel or air dryer to dry them thoroughly. Use the towel to turn off the faucet, when possible.

3. Do not touch the face.
People should refrain from touching their faces with their hands, especially after coming in contact with a frequently used surface.

4. Be a preventive employer.
Employers should encourage their workers to get a flu shot. Contacting medical staffing agencies to set up in-house flu vaccinations will lower the risk of employees contracting the flu and will prevent them from having to leave the premises to get the shot.

5. Stay home sick.
Employees with the flu should stay home when they are sick, rather than come to the office and cause customers and other employees to contract the virus.

6. Avoid close personal contact.
Keep a safe distance from people who are ill with the flu. Those who are sick should make a conscious effort to stay away from others when they believe they have the virus.

7. Know the risks.
Take the flu virus seriously. More than 36,000 people die from influenza each year. About 14,000 are hospitalized with complications from the illness.

8. Know the symptoms.
There are many different signs and symptoms of the flu. When a few are present, consult a medical health care or home elder care provider for an examination. Watch for sudden, severe onset of headache and/or extreme exhaustion. A fever between 102 and 104 degrees F can last from 3 to 4 days. Other possible symptoms may include coughing, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose and muscle aches.

Practical Prevention of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease caused by gradual wear and tear of joints. Though the exact cause of osteoarthritis is not determined but many factors may contribute to the development of this disease. They include age, sex, hereditary, nerve injury, muscle weakness, obesity or occupation. But there is something which you can do to diminish your risk of getting osteoarthritis.

Practical Prevention of Osteoarthritis:

Keep your weight down: Research suggests that obese people are at risk of osteoarthritis and that weight loss prevents or delays osteoarthritis from occurring. Obese people posses a significant risk of developing osteoarthritis by putting unnecessary strain on the joints. Study shows that people who loose 11 pounds cut their risk of osteoarthritis to half.

Get enough calcium and vitamins C and D: One of the best ways to avoid bone osteoarthritis is the proper intake of vitamins especially calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is the major component of bone, and is therefore crucial to maintain bone density whereas vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium.

Intake of sufficient amount of calcium in diet: Adult should have a daily intake of 1,000-1,500 mg per day through diet and this will reduce the chances of getting osteoarthritis.

Take precautions at work: Researchers have linked osteoarthritis with repetitive tasks and with jobs that involve kneeling or squatting, especially when lifting heavy objects.

Strengthen muscle and joints through exercise: Exercise can help reduce joint pain and stiffness. Light to moderate-intensity physical activity may prevent or delay the process of bone degeneration.

Avoids sports injury: Avoid sport injury by taking proper precaution while playing or doing exercise. Precautions that you should take while exercising include using proper equipment and protective gear; cross training or varying your activities; taking a break if something hurts or you feel tired; and getting prompt care for injuries.

Healthy Ways for Livings

Each and every youth wishes to be healthy as a muscular man, yes but indeed the muscular man consumes various proteins, vitamins, to keep themselves healthy with a huge muscles, to build this strong muscles it is impossible for the growing kids, because muscular man are the professional athletes and are grown up, Theirs body is quite different from kids.

The growing kids can be a healthy if the consumption intake is based with notorious food, over intake of food also may brings the kids into great risks, their food musts contains proteins, vitamins, likes meat, eggs, etc to builds each and every muscles stronger. The most perfects way to get proteins or vitamins is drinking of pure milks every day.

Habits of good eating are a main and a strong foundation for healthy living. Desired food or eatables through different varieties is important for that. While eating sit down, Chew your food well and eat slow, slow eating of food allow the body mechanisms, neglecting to eat food may risks in your inner spiritual side. Foods provide energy and maintaining the function of our body in bests manners do not eat the leftovers which smell a weird, the bacteria grew in the food and which means food poisonings and cause serious illness.

Kid’s can neither lifts the weight as a muscular man but can keep them healthy, kids can play, jumps, and runs etc. kids can also perform the yoga instruction, because it is a gentle movements of our body it also provides fresh air to breathe in, which make a feelings sensation of something’s different. Playing sports is also regarded as a best’s way to be healthy and also to stay fit, a person interested in games and sports knows the extra values of health, sports players are healthy and fit due to the hard works such as running, kicking, throwing, swimming etc.

Have a morning walk daily to regulate the body functions and to breathe in the fresh morning air, Don’t sleep till late because it makes our body laziness, followings of these steps in a childhood is the best way to safeguard ones in every aspect of the lives.

Long Term Health Care

More and more people today are worried about the costs of long-term health care. They are worried if something happens to them they may run out of money and burn through their reserves. The average nursing home stay is 2.5 years of care and the average cost is over $130.00 per day. That is the average yet in many areas with nursing shortages and higher income demographics the rates are more significant. It is estimated that more than 10% of us who reach age 65 will nursing home care for more than 5-years.

It is very important to have long-term health care insurance to:

Protect your assets

Provide peace of mind

Provide assurance of quality care

Provide choice and control over receipt of care

Avoid dependence

Receive tax advantages

Paying for Long-Term Care? Here is The Bottom Line:

Medicare – This program may pay for skilled nursing facility care for a very short period of time – but no longer than 100 days – and only when you meet all the Medicare requirements for daily skilled care.

Medical – This program, called Medicaid outside California, may pay for skilled, rehabilitation and custodial care that is not covered by Medicare, but only if you first “spend-down” assets to federal and state legal impoverishment level guidelines.

Personal or Family Assets – Most people provide for long-term care expenses from personal or family income, assets and resources.

Long-Term Care Insurance Programs – Specially designed programs to pay for long-term health care expenses. HIPAA defines Federal tax treatment of insurance policies that provide long-term care coverage. Policies that meet certain criteria are designated as “qualified long-term care insurance” and will receive certain tax incentives: the cost of coverage may be deductible and long term care benefits received will not be reported as taxable income. Please consult your tax advisor for information about your personal situation.

Play it safe and know your options regarding long-term health care and know protect your assets. Think on this.

Bringing Scientific Rigor to Medical Research Using Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology applied to medical research can improve trust in science by creating an unchangeable, time stamped record of the research findings. Blockchain technology, invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, ensures that transactions entered into a ledger cannot be changed with time. As applied to the cryptocurrency bitcoin (BTC), the result is a monetary system that, cannot be manipulated by a centralized government because it creates a permanent and accurate record of all transactions. The strength of the system comes from its use of a distributed database as compared to current monetary systems that require a centralized database such as is used by credit card companies and banks. Applying this same technology to medical research increases trust in the results because just like bitcoin, the transactions (scientific data collected) are permanently archived in an unchangeable, immutable manner.

The exchange of money, just like the conduct of medical research, requires a high level of trust. Money in the past has generated this trust through government regulations and central bank oversight. Medical research in the past has attempted to create high levels of trust through peer review conducted by reputable medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine. Both methods of generating trust rely on a trusted central authority, either the government or a medical journal. As such, both methods are highly susceptible to fraud via corruption or innocent errors of the centralized authority. This has led to widespread distrust in medical research. Bitcoin operates differently, because it sets up a method of relying on a distributed network based upon a mathematical algorithm, rather than centralized authority susceptible to human error.

Financial transactions require perhaps the highest level of trust. People need to know that all transactions recorded in the ledger be entirely accurate and totally resistant to being changed in the future. Because blockchain technology as implemented in bitcoin has earned this trust, bitcoin has become a widely used store of value with a market capitalization of over $100 billion USD. When other cryptocurrencies are considered, the total trust in blockchain based financial systems exceeds $250 billion USD. Similarly, health care professionals need to be able to trust that data obtained from medical research is both completely accurate and completely immutable. Physicians need to know that medical research isn’t plagiarized or fraudulent in any way. Blockchain technology has made bitcoin a trusted, global currency. In the same way, blockchain based medical research will greatly increase trust in the results and as a result, improved medical care.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Recovery Testimonial

In 1989 I was medically diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, due to chemical poisoning from pesticides such as 245-T, Network, Roundup, Asulox and Malathian and heavy metal poisoning from Mercury (due to toxicity from amalgam fillings in my teeth), aluminium and lead.

After consultations with many doctors, specialists and natural health therapists, including Homeopaths and Acupuncturists, I was told that I would never regain normal health again due to the length of time I had been ill with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. At that time, I wasn’t able to work, couldn’t sleep at night, had no energy and reacted to almost everything I ate!

I was getting pretty desperate at that stage to get my health, life and career back to normal when I met Philip Rafferty while he was doing allergy testing in a health food store. As I already knew of my allergies, I thought I would put him to the test. You can imagine my surprise when in a couple of minutes of using Kinesiology; he was able to correctly identify what my allergies were.

My life at that time had been a real struggle. I had just undergone two years of medical treatment and was taking all the right remedies and nutrition; however, I was still suffering from extreme fatigue, hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), chronic Candida, food allergies, poor concentration, short term memory loss, acne and had very little energy. I then decided to have several Kinesiology treatments, and to my surprise, I started feeling much better.

Kinesiology Got Rid Of My Allergies, Lots Of Health Issues And My Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
To help me understand, Philip explained that Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines that use gentle manual muscle monitoring to obtain information about a person’s well-being. It may assist with pain, stress, allergies, TMJ problems, toxicity, heavy metals, candida, dehydration, learning, sabotages, and more. Kinesiology realigned the muscles in my body, and as the muscles are connected with the organs, puts the organs back into balance, and this allowed my body to assimilate nutrition and water properly. He said that by putting the muscles back into balance, that my body would be able to heal itself from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

While my muscles were out of balance, my body was using up all its energy just trying to function on a basic level, therefore leaving me with no energy to do anything else. After several Kinesiology treatments my food allergies reduced, my blood sugar came back to normal, the severe cystic acne on my face cleared dramatically, I started to gain weight and I had a lot more energy.

Amazing Results Recovering From Myalgic Encephlomylitis Lead Me To A New Career
At the time of seeing Philip Rafferty he started teaching Kinergetics, a new modality of Kinesiology here in Melbourne, Australia and asked me if I would be interested in learning this for myself. After having such amazing results and a full recovery from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis due to Kinesiology, I was curious to find out how it actually worked and why.

I found learning Kinergetics absolutely fascinating. After completing the whole series of eight levels of Kinergetics, I then trained to become a Kinergetics Instructor and began teaching Kinergetics in 1994.

Always interested to learn and grow more, I went on to attain a “Diploma on Health Sciences in Holistic Kinesiology” at the Kinesiology College for Energetic Sciences in Carlton, Melbourne, Australia.

I love practicing and teaching Kinesiology and Kinergetics, and seeing the life-changing results in my clients and mentoring students. I continue to work using my Kinesiology skills and knowledge using Transformation Coaching working with many people all around the world.

I work with clients with a broad range of issues relating to Myalgic Encephalomylitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease including resolving allergies, candida, heavy metal toxicity, emotional issues, stress, pain, TMJ, dehydration, sabotage and much more.

Weight Maintenance of an Elderly Person

As a person grows older, the basal metabolic rate of the body tends to slow down primarily due to lack of activity and regular physical exercise. As the age of person increases, the calorie requirement of the body decreases. As the senses of smell and taste tend to decrease in older people, they often find food less palatable, resulting in situations called under-eating. However, vital nutrients are still essential for the body even at this age and require proper nutritional care supported by healthy diet.

Eating less during old age often provides an invitation for various unwanted diseases. Older people who are underweight are easily prone to get infected primarily due to a depleted immune system that fails to offer protection against invading pathogens. Apart from this, under weight persons are at an increased risk of developing various other diseases including anemia and osteoporosis. Nutritional abnormalities in older people could sometimes be an indicative of a serious medical complication such as cancer, dementia, heart failure or depression.

However, there are multiple ways through which elder persons can gain back the weight. According to doctors and nutritionists, elder people should take diet that is rich in nutrients and vitamins. These include fruits, vegetables, fluids and fibers. Dental and oral problems could also lead to decreased diet intake. Hence, it is important to have a routine checkup of gums, teeth and mouth. Elder persons often find it easy to taken liquid foods rather than thicker foods. Other options include serving finger-foods, liquid food supplements and serving familiar, palatable and tastier foods that are presented in a pleasing manner.